About the Clark Family Handbook

The Clark Family Handbook started life (and still exists as) a green A4 ring bound notebook. I wanted to create a recipe book for my family that contained all those recipes that you create, that are unique to your family. It came about because when my mother passed away I realised that I would not be able to make her butterscotch tart or her very scary and famous (within the family) 18 egg chocolate mousse because those recipes were in her head, not on paper.

Sounds morbid I know, but I am so glad we started writing these recipes down. It means that my family now know how to make pasta penne exactly how Harry likes it, ciabatta and sundried tomato pesto pizza’s how Jack likes and bolognese exactly how Mia likes it (not forgetting that Jack does not like bolognese despite my best efforts!)

Over time the book evolved into a diary of likes and dislikes with the offspring adding their bits including pages for Mum and Dad.

These recipes are dedicated to my family who I love very much but especially my Mum who started me cooking with the best fairy cake recipe ever, that I still use today.

4,4,4 and 2

4oz flour, 4oz caster sugar, 4 oz butter and 2 eggs

Cream the sugar and butter together till white and fluffy, add the eggs (already beaten), sift in the flour and fold in. Add a little butter milk to loosen the mixture if necessary (my addition to the original recipe). Put mixture into 12 small paper cases and bake for 12 – 15 minutes in a preheated oven. 180 degrees C.



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4 Replies to “About the Clark Family Handbook”

  1. WOW! Loved looking at the pictures, though I’m very hungry now. I feel inspired to go and bake something- I will of course follow your recipes. Well done Lorna bear. Mum would be… proud (tee hee, you know what I mean. I actually think she would be.). Love youxxxxxxxx PS Have you let Dad know? Have a recipe for mum’s chocolate fridge cake should you like it.

  2. Aw what a lovely blog and a lovely memento for your family!

    I came upon it looking for a Ginger Cookie recipe – I have printed it and will bake for my colleagues next week 🙂

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