Mini Lime Meringue tarts – yummy and super cute too :)

img_3488 Not much baking seems to be happening these days in my household. The children have grown and are all busy living their lives. There simply isn’t the need for all the baking that I used to do. That coupled with my passion for crochet that has developed over the last few years has meant that baking has slipped from my daily routine.

I decided that this quite possibly was not the way forward for me. Welcome to my mini lime meringue tarts.

Sweet Shortcrust pastry

  • 125g plain flour
  • pinch salt
  • 50g unsalted butter, cut into pieces
  • 2 medium egg yolks
  • 50g caster sugar

Meringue topping

  • 4 medium egg whites
  • 225g caster sugar
  • 1 tbsp cornflour
  • 1 tbsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tsp white wine vinegar

Lime curd

  • around 5 – 8 limes (depending on size), squeezed- warm them up first to get lots more juice and zested into the bowl
  • 350g caster sugar
  • 4 whole eggs
  • 100g butter



  • Firstly you need to make your pastry as this will need to be rested in the fridge for at least half an hour, an hour is better 🙂 Preheat your oven to 190 degrees c
  • Sweet Shortcrust Pastry
  • Sift the flour and salt into a bowl. Chuck in your butter
  • Rub the butter in until it looks like breadcrumbs.
  • Using a fork you can then add your egg yolk and if needed a tsp or so of water.
  • Gather the dough together with your hands and wrap in cling film and leave to rest in the fridge.
  • Once your pastry is rested you can line your tins. I used muffin tins that I had lightly greased with butter. I pricked the bottoms of the tarts and then baked for around fifteen minutes or so until they were just turning golden. Basically you want them around 90% done I think. This recipe was very much about winging it so play with it to suit. You can use baking beans if you wish, up to you. You could also make a large tart as well.
  • Whilst your pastry is chilling you can get on with your lime curd.
  • in a double boiler (one bowl over a saucepan of simmering water) pop all your ingredients, whisk together over a gentle heat until the sugar dissolves and then heat gently for around 20 minutes. Leave it to cool, it will get thicker. Hey presto lime curd. This will make a reasonable amount so any leftover curd can be popped into a jar and then stored in the fridge for up to two weeks, yummy spooned straight from the jar into my mouth 🙂 Other citrus fruit works just as well, lemons (obvs) but also orange and although I haven’t tried it I suspect grapefruit might be a bit yum too.
  • Meringue – whisk your egg whites until stiff peaks form. Mix your cornflour, vinegar and vanilla in a small separate bowl.
  • Add the sugar whilst whisking, a spoonful at a time. Once your mixture becomes stiff and glossy you can add your cornflour, vanilla and vinegar mixture. Whisk for another minute or so. Pop your meringue into a piping bag or you can spoon on the meringue. Whatever your creative juices require really.
  • This mixture makes enough meringue for a dozen tarts plus a couple of trays of meringue kisses or you could even make some small pavlova bases. It will depend on how much meringue you got out of your four eggs and how generous you were on the tarts 🙂
  • In your pre baked tart shells spoon in some curd and then pipe on or dollop on your meringue. Pop into your oven that is now around 190 degrees c for around 5 – 10 minutes, keep an eye, you want the meringue to start browning. Once they are going brown, turn your oven off and leave them in it with the door slightly ajar to finish drying out the meringue a bit more.

All of my recipe components came from the wonderful step by step cookbook by Good Housekeeping. I have had various versions of this over the years including my Mum’s 1957 version. Cannot recommend it enough. You can often find a version in charity shops and pretty cheaply online too. Have a hunt.

